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Simmer pots date back to the pre-Christian times when the kitchen hearth was a focal point in a person's home and were used for a variety of reasons such as cleansing, protection, abundance health, celebrating the season changes.
It also incorpates all the elements when doing a simmer pot
Earth - the ingredients that are being used
Air - the steam and aromas from the pot
Fire - to heat the contents in the pot
Water - one of the key ingredients to a simmer pot.
Making a simmer pot is a whole process of setting your intention so when preparing your ingredients be mindfull of what you are using and for what purpose, as we know each ingredient holds its own properties. Once it is all prepared place in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Once the water is boiling turn down the heat and allow you pot to simmer releasing the intent and aromas around your home.
For Samhain why not try this simmer pot to celebrate the turning of the year.
Apples chopped for health
Oranges sliced for confidence
Cinnamon for wealth
13 cloves for psychic protection
Nutmeg to increase psychic abilities
Image sourced from google
Knot magic and knot spells have been used for thousands of years and even to this day are one of the most incognito spells you can do. Using verbal spells and incantations while tying the knots will seal the intentions into the spell and build powerful energy. Even something as simple as plaiting your hair, can also be a form of knot magic, by placing your intention into each plait.
It's important to remember that the act of knotting whilst doing a spell, represents you tying a part of yourself into the spell, along with other ingredients creating a bond with the spell's core.
If you don't have anything to hand, you can also do a visualized knot, seeing it in your mind's eye and tying the knots whilst thinking about your intention.
Historically knot magic has records that trace back to the ancient Greece and Assyrian times, written in their sacred texts.These texts described the act of knotting while in a ritual to bind a desired outcome into a spell.
One of the spells I read about, described how they used to tie a knot into a young maidens shawl (discreetly) and recited RA, the Sun God's name. This was believed to help them be chosen, to be bedded by the king above all others.
In Greek texts, I found descriptions of a knot spell, where they would knot a lapiz lazuli coloured cord, into the hem of a robe and this would make royalty bless you with prosperity.
In Ancient Egyptian texts, the knot was used as a symbol for the Goddess ISIS. It is depicted in her portraits as a knotted cloth between her breasts. This knot was called the Tyet, and was also represented in amulets, bracelets, coins and murals. The name Tyet, means the blood of ISIS. Some academics believe, that this knot represents her sacred blood or menstrual cycle, as she holds the role of Mother and Fertility Goddess. The knot is also depicted in sacred emblems of the Goddess Inanna.
Ancient egyptian fisherman, would knot fish skins into their sail rope, to help bring good weather for fishing. This is still practiced by some Egyptian fisherman, as it has been passed down through the generations.
They also, used to tie 7 knots into cloth and chanted when a baby was born, to invoke "the Seven Hathors of the Celestial Herd", to bring blessings to their newborn child. There are also some cultures that, on the day of a child's birth the midwife would tie a knot on the umbilical cord. This would be seen as a magical act, where the midwife or wise woman could manifest a good or bad fate and fortune on the baby. Interestingly, the jews used to forbid the tying of knots on the sabbath, for fear of preventing male potency.
There are tales and folk lores, in English history that depict witches using knot magic to inflict illness and disabilities on their enemies. They would seal eyes closed, binding the mouth and throat shut and restrict limb movements...
Its interesting and sad, to read how negatively they viewed knot magic preformed by witches, compared to the other ancient civilisations, who show it being used positively for manifesting specific outcomes.
However, in the British museum, there is a Babylonian tablet that describes a healing spell, involving knots plaited in cedar bark.
The most commonly known form of knot magic is the Witches knot or the Witches ladder. The Witches ladders (according to folklore) were used in the late 19th century England. The first recorded one in England was found in an antic in Somerset. It was believed to be the venue for a witches coven gathering, due to its bessoms and herbs hanging from the walls. The Witches Ladder was made using twine, pieces of wood and birds feathers. However, its purpose for the coven or witches is still a mystery even to this day.
There are records of knot ladders that trace back much further, to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. These ancient civilisations used similar knots and bindings to create powerful ladders. They would incorporate talismans, amulets, Coins, hair and personal items; these were woven and twisted into the knots to bring forward specific outcomes.
There is also the act of tying the knot or wedlock, at a hand fasting or traditional pagan/celtic wedding. This is where partners, are bound together as soul mates, using different colored ribbon or cord that represent certain aspects that you wish to bring to the union.
If there every comes a time when you separate from someone, the term severing the bond would be used and untying of the knot.
There are knot spells to help banish and remove all negativity and to help you move on from the past. By visualizing all the problems and traumas you have suffered from, and for each one tying a knot, one on top of another. Once you feel as though all your pain has been infused with the knot, untangle it. With each knot detangled, a part of yourself heals and feels free from the negativity and pain you have carried with you.
There are spells that foccus on the more darker aspects of knot magic, these involve binding souls, etc.. if you are interested in this side of magic, make sure you do lots of research before you attempt anything.
There are so many different knot spells, using different knot techniques. Do some research and find one that resonates with you and what you want to achieve.
One of the simplest and most basic forms of knot magic, is to tie 9 knots onto a cord, alternating sides until you get to the center. Whilst knoting, concentrate and visualise what you want to achieve. See it in your mind's eye already happening.
There are various chants you can do with this spell and the most common being:
By knot one, my spell has begun
By knot two, my intent and words be true
By knot three, it comes to be
By knot four, the energy is stored
By knot five, this spell will thrive
By knot six, this spell is fixed
By knot seven, the answer be given
By knot eight, It will be fate
By knot nine, what is done is mine
Once the spell is complete, put the cord in a safe space and leave it there as long as you wish the spell to work. When you are ready, and want to undo the spell simply untie knots.
Image acquired on Google images
*The horse chestnut flowers are the emblem of Kiev in Ukraine.
*The tree outside Anne Franks house, which she mentioned in her diary, lived until 2010 when it was blown down. The seeds from the tree were harvested so more could be grown. Eleven of these trees were sent to the US and one stands at the 9/11 memorial site and one at the United Nations.
*Conkers contain saponins which are similar to soap chemicals and were believed to have been crushed and soaked then used by vikings in soap bars. They are still used in some soap brands today.
Have you ever used conkers in magic?
Cleansing Spray
This spray is perfect for cleansing your space and items and is simple to make. Using moon water place in some common sage, bay leaves, salt, chamomile, lavender, peppermint (or use whatever cleansing herbs you like the smell of) add clear quartz into the mix and let it steep for several days stirring daily. Then drain and place in a spray bottle.
(Picture sourced from google)
Crystals and Divination
Crystals are often used in divination practices to enhance intuition, focus energy, and connect with spiritual guides.
Known for its calming energy, amethyst is often associated with intuition and spiritual awareness. It helps with meditation and can enhance psychic abilities.
This versatile crystal Clear quartz, amplifies energy and intention. It's often used for clarity and manifestation, making it a great tool for various types of divination.
Sodalite promotes rational thought and objectivity, making it useful for gaining insights during divination practices. It encourages truth and helps in accessing deep intuitive knowledge.
Lapis Lazuli has been valued for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual insight. It can help in connecting with higher wisdom and is often used for dream work and spiritual guidance.
Moonstone is associated with lunar energies and intuition, moonstone is particularly effective in divination related to emotional and spiritual matters. It is excellent for enhancing clairvoyance.
Obsidian is a powerful grounding and protective stone, obsidian helps reveal hidden truths and can be used for scrying or other forms of divination. It clears negativity and promotes self-reflection.
Each crystal can be used in different ways, such as through meditation, laying them out in patterns, or incorporating them into scrying practices. It's important to choose crystals that resonate with your personal energy and goals for your divination practice.
My wand is my wooden spoon, salt is my cleanser, my recipe is my spell, my cooking is manifesting my intentions.
Cooking is a physical task which extends love, warmth and connection to those we chose to share our food with.
We use seasonal gifts from mother earth who provides for our needs. Seasonal food stuffs packed with nature's bounty are the best for restoring our balance. Strawberries in winter, pumpkins in spring...maybe not?
Living in tune with the seasons and the moon prepares us, grounds us and restores our balance. Using our favourite seasonal ingredients, herbs, spices adds gravity to our intentions.
The extraordinary rhythms of life nowadays can confuse and corrupt our self worth and well being. Cooking simple recipes from text books, grimoires or scraps of paper handed down is uplifting. AND the outcomes rewarding when we see our loved ones enjoying our offerings. Have a blessed day.
During Mabon, people engage in a variety of traditional activities that celebrate the autumn equinox and the themes of harvest, balance, and gratitude.
Try some of these:
Take part in gathering fruits and vegetables, especially apples, pumpkins, and grains, to honor the abundance of the earth.
Preparing and sharing meals that highlight seasonal produce is a key activity. Dishes often include roasted vegetables, pies, and cider.
Many people create gratitude lists or perform rituals to express thanks for the harvest and the blessings of the past year.
Creating an altar with autumnal decorations, such as leaves, acorns, and seasonal fruits, is common to honor the season.
Lighting bonfires or candles symbolizes the waning light and the coming of winter, providing a space for reflection and community gathering.
Taking walks in nature to observe the changing colors of leaves and the beauty of the season promotes mindfulness and connection with the earth.
Engaging in crafts like making wreaths, candles, or decorations from natural materials is a popular way to celebrate the harvest.
Some people participate in or enjoy the fruits of winemaking or apple cider pressing, connecting to traditional harvest practices.
Sharing stories, songs, and folklore related to the harvest and autumn traditions fosters community and cultural connection.
Fire is often seen as the most destructive of the four elements, as it transforms everything it touches. It is dangerous, enticing, can even be a source of fear; yet a fundamental part of our daily lives. Our ancestors saw fire as a gift from the Gods, it warmed and lit their homes, cooked their food and made their lives easier, helping many survive the winter. It was both revered for its usefulness and for its destructive ability, should it not be treated with caution it could destroy all they had.
Fire is energy, creativity, vitality, chaos, destruction, courage, passion, desire unpredictability; it is purifying, it is transformation and regeneration. It burns away the old ready for the new.
A masculine energy, associated with the south, represented by an upward pointing triangle, its elemental being is the salamander.
The salamander, more commonly known as a small lizard often dwelling in wet area's. Paracelsus wrote (16th century) of the fire salamander that could be found within flames, volcanoes and within balls of light during a storm (St. Elmo's fire) He declared the salamander to be the fire elemental connected to the direction of south. Salamander's have been the subject of myths and symbolism long before Paracelsus, they were mentioned in the 4th century by Aristotle in his 'history of animals,' stating their power over fire, the ability to control and extinguish it. In the 2nd century Nicander called the salamander the sorcerers lizard. Roman author Aelian states salamanders are drawn to blacksmiths forges, where they quench the fires, disrupting and upsetting the blacksmiths. This is only a small amount of information on Salamanders, there are numerous texts scattered throughout the centuries.
When a person develops a relationship with Salamanders, they can help us purify our inner selves and rid us of all that no longer serves us, whist helping us find the courage and determination to start a fresh.
Fire crystals- usually the colour of fire and sometimes a glass or gemstone.
*Fire glass-tempered glass used in fire pits or fire decorations.
*Fire agate
*Fire opal
*Lava stone
Herbs/spices often associated with fire
*Dragon's Blood
Fire governs the Snake and Horse in the Chinese zodiac.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the three fire signs.
Fire Gazing
Many will spend hours staring at the flames, fire gazing looking for signs, shapes and messages of significance. Seeing animals, faces and familiar symbols. These can be interpreted to offer guidance or comfort. Some use fire gazing as a form of divination, asking the flame a question and waiting for a response. Much like a pendulum you can ask the flame a yes or no question.
Lighting a candle in a quiet area free from draughts, sit quietly, stilling the mind for a moment and asking the salamander for guidance. Ask a simple yes or no question, commonly the below can be used as your answer. Over time you may interpret the flame differently as you connect to the element.
Yes- tall flame or leaning to the left
No- short flame or leaning to the right
Sparks- you will receive an important message
Dancing flame- change is coming
Many witches believe that money spells should focus on attracting abundance and prosperity rather than just seeking wealth for wealth's sake. The intention is to create a positive flow of resources.
The intention behind the spell should align with the individual’s personal goals and values.
It is believed that the energy put into the spell should be positive and uplifting. A focus on gratitude and generosity can enhance the effectiveness of the spell.
A common belief is that spells should not harm others or infringe on their free will. Money spells are often seen as more acceptable when they do not involve competition or taking from others.
Many witches advocate for a balanced approach, where the spell is complemented by practical efforts and responsible financial planning. Intention should involve a sense of accountability.
Some beliefs emphasise the importance of sharing wealth and supporting others. Intention behind money spells may involve a desire to uplift not just oneself but also the community.
There’s a belief that one’s relationship with money reflects their inner state. Therefore, the intention behind money spells may also involve self-reflection and healing of any negative beliefs about wealth.
Who does money and abundance spells ?
Who has great success working money and abundance spells?
Some budget-friendly tips for acquiring witchcraft supplies without breaking the bank:
Utilize Nature
Gather herbs, flowers, stones, and other natural items from your surroundings. Just make sure to do so responsibly and ethically.
DIY Supplies Create your own magical items. You can make candles, incense, and oils at home using simple ingredients. There are plenty of tutorials online to guide you.
Thrift Stores and Flea Markets Explore thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales for unique items that can be repurposed for your practice, like jars, fabrics, and decorative pieces.
Buy in BulkPurchase herbs, crystals, or crafting materials in bulk. This often reduces the price per unit and can save you money in the long run.
Use Household Items Many common household items can be used in spells and rituals. For example, salt, sugar, and vinegar can have various magical properties.
Learn how to make a protection bag.
Making Witches Black Salt
Here is a simple recipe to make witches black salts:
Witches black salt is often used in various rituals, spells, and protection magic. It has the power to absorb negative energy and provide spiritual protection.